Like so many others around the world, the National Puzzlers’ League is saddened and angered by the events of recent weeks. Not just for deaths of the names we know, like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Atatiana Jefferson, but for the names we don’t, and for the injustices in our nation that allowed their deaths. Black lives matter.
Simply not tolerating racism is not enough, however. We must actively work to combat racial bias and ensure that we truly are welcoming to all. Our Code of Conduct states that we must respect diversity, because we vary widely by age, race, gender presentation, sexual orientation, body size, ability, style of dress, personality type, beliefs, and many other factors. We can’t only respect diversity, however. We must encourage inclusivity so that Black people, as well as anyone from any marginalized group, feel safe, supported, and heard within our organization.
To that end, the NPL Board is creating a working group to investigate what concrete steps we can take to 1) make our space more welcome to a more diverse audience and 2) grow and create a more diverse membership. If you are interested in being a member of this working group, please contact First Vice President yodaughter.
Our mission statement says that "We bring together individuals who are interested in composing and solving word puzzles (primarily in verse)." Fostering a diverse, inclusive membership is part of our mission. We all benefit from being exposed to a broad range of experiences and we all suffer when those experiences are marginalized. We have a responsibility to do better, knowing that it will take time and effort to achieve our goals. We are committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive National Puzzlers’ League.
--Your NPL Board